9. Oktober 2008 aerial-survey-base

UltraCam Xprime production starts.

WILD GmbH start production of UltraCam Xprime. (3rd generation Ultracam, UCXp, Ultracam Xp)
Per year, WILD produce 40 UCX cameras at Völklingen, Austria for Microsoft Vexcel Imaging.
technical features:

13 CCD, 17.310 x 11.310 Pixel = 196 Megapixel
image size 624 Megabyte
8 camera lenses
1/3 pan sharpening ratio
12/13 bit color depth, internal caluclation with 16 bit, 12,9 bit useable (7.600 grey values)
Datarecording unit Dxp with 8,4 Terrabyte, 6.500 images
14 CPU
50 Pixel TDI compensation

link (in German)

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